Moving House

Moving House is always a stressful time! You have so much to get done and get organised... Where do you find the time. Ezy Assembly can help relieve some of this with our House Moving Services! No we don't actually help you move, but we can help with the prepartion and then again once you move!

How you ask?

With our experience in Furniture Assembly we have learnt a thing or two. We can also disassemble your furniture in prepartion for your move and then reassemble once your movers have gone!! Some of your large furniture, like beds or tables might not literally fit through your doorways and onto the truck and this is where Ezy Assembly can help!


Before your Move...

  • Safely disassemble your Furniture
  • Carefully store all the fittings and small pieces
  • Tape & wrap parts where necessary

After your Move...

  • Safely reassemble your Furniture
  • Replace any worn fittings


With our vast Assembly Experience, we have helped many people move. Some items are simply too big to get out of a house and onto a truck! Your Removalists already have their hands full and let's face it, at their rates, do you want to pay them to move you or unscrew your bed?

We will carefully take your furniture apart, ensuring all screws are kept together and small parts don't get lost. From your bed to your dining table, somethings are just too big to move once they are together.

We will arrange with you a day and time prior to your removalists arriving to take things apart, then most times arrive later on the day you move nto reassemble everything. You can rest assured that we haven't lost that one last screw as we already have kept everything together and we'll even replace any screws, bolts or nuts that might be worn.

We'll even give you a FREE Quote on your requirements and our work is fully Guaranteed!


Our Technicians Carry a Variety of the latest and Safest Powerboards for use around your HOME! Normal Outlets

  • Normal Power Sockets
  • USB A
  • USB C
  • Even extensions Cords

double powerboard

  • 2 x Standard Outlets

  • 2 x USB A

  • 2 x USB C

Quite Often NEW FURNITURE will cover existing Power Oulets on the wall, so why not consider and extra helpful solution. All PowerBoards that our TECHNICIANS carry have been specifically researched and chosen. Particular care is taken to find Boards with FLAT Plugs to minimise the risk of damage should furniture be "pushed" against it and multiple options of power, such as BUILT-IN USB Sockets! These will make your house safe, and free of other cumbersome solutions, such as multiple double adaperts or individual power plugs (especially for Phones & Tablets).

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  • Gain Floor Space
  • Enhance the size of your Room
  • SAFETY - For Children and pets
  • Hidden Cables

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Call 1800 TV Magic to book a technician to come to your home, office or building.

© Assembly Magic. All rights reserved.